Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Minutes from the 6/8/10 Secretariat Meeting

Attendees: Mimi Fitzgerald, Lay Director

Colleen and Phil Kiko, Weekend Committee
John Rausch, Team Selection Committee
Joan Sheppard, Precursillo
Freddie Wall, Fourth Day Committee
Melanie Rigney, Communications Committee (note taker)

Absent: Mike Green, Treasurer
Mary Lou McGonigle, School of Leaders
Fr. Tuck Grinnell, Spiritual Director
The meeting at Mimi Fitzgerald’s house in Arlington, VA, began at 7:20 p.m. after prayer and sharing.

• San Damiano Spiritual Life Center. Mimi shared she met with John Campbell of the center, where the next two Weekends will be held. There will be a $150 deposit for use of the kitchen. We need a certified food manager or handler for the kitchen, and discussion ensued about Arlington Cursillo paying for that training. It was agreed that we would pay for a four-person cook crew’s rooms for each Weekend (in addition to continuing to cover room and board costs for Weekend spiritual directors and clergy).
• Pre-Cursillo. There are no candidates yet for the Women’s August Weekend.
• Team Selection. Calls continue. We still need a rector for the Men’s October Weekend. Options were discussed, as were potential spiritual directors for that Weekend.
• We are still in need of a rector for the October Men’s Weekend.
• School of Leaders. Mary Lou said things are going well with the “Called and Created” series and we are set through January 2011.
• Weekend Committee. Phil and Duffy shared information about the new Weekend Committee. It will include thirteen people so that the workload may be shared.
• Communications. Discussion ensued about electronic vs. paper communications. Mike Green will be asked for a list of those who contributed to Cursillo using the paper Banner vs. the link on our Web site. The spring 2011 Women’s Weekend will be March 17-20.
• Post-Cursillo. Discussion ensued about possible Fourth Day Committee chairs when Freddie’s term is up. November 6 was suggested as a possible date for the next diocesan Ultreya. The day of reflection with Sister Denise has been canceled because of Sister Denise’s other obligations. We discussed another possible retreat for Cursillistas at Missionhurst Jan. 28-30, 2011.
• Secretariat Retreat. Mimi would like to have a retreat for the Secretariat. September 10-11 was suggested. Discussion ensued about possible spiritual directors.

The meeting closed at 8:40 p.m. with prayer.