Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Minutes from the 5/11/10 Secretariat Meeting

Attendees: Mimi Fitzgerald, Lay Director
Mary Lou McGonigle, School of Leaders
Joan Sheppard, Precursillo
Phil Kiko, Weekend Committee
Mike Green, Treasurer
John Rausch, Team Selection Committee
Melanie Rigney, Communications Committee (note taker)

Absent: Freddie Wall, Fourth Day Committee
Fr. Tuck Grinnell, Spiritual Director
The meeting at Mimi Fitzgerald’s house in Arlington, VA, began at 7 p.m. after prayer and sharing.

• Treasurer’s Report. Mike reported that as of May, our balance was $7,651.67. We had $4,050 in donations through the Men’s 120th Weekend. Outlays included Regional Cursillo ($100); supplies ($50); food for the Men’s Weekend ($1,129.91); Missionhurst fees for the Men’s Weekend ($2,290) and the Diocesan Ultreya ($100) for total outlays of $4,069.91.
• Team Selection. We are still in need of a rector for the October Men’s Weekend.
• School of Leaders. Mary Lou said things are going well with the “Called and Created” series and we are set through January 2011.
• Weekend. Mimi; Duffy Kiko; Kat Sigler (rectora for the 120th Women’s Weekend); and Carol Eager and Rosemary Brooks (rectora and angel for the 121st Women’s Weekend) toured the San Damiano Spiritual Life Center in White Post, where the next two Weekends will be held. Mimi reported the facility is excellent and will suit our needs very well. There are 47 rooms; two are equipped for those with disabilities. All rooms have double beds, and many have a double bed and a single bed. Mimi encouraged that team and candidate room assignments be mixed. Storage space is available for us there. We still need to determine how meals will be handled. Mimi asked that the short talk outlines be placed back in the team books. She also asked that angels be reminded to call a restaurant near the Weekend site to advise them we will be coming for breakfast, and to share the restaurant’s location with the community.
• Communications. Mel will provide a recommendation at the next meeting as to the future form and frequency of Our Banner. We have been sending smaller but more frequent Banners as an experiment for the past six months. Lyn McGee has taken over the database. Mel will put together a sheet for the rectora/rector notebooks to help them understand where to send team and candidate lists, and to suggest that the rectors/rectoras use a special e-mail address for palanca if they are concerned about getting overwhelmed. Mary Lou will write an article about School of Leaders for an upcoming issue of the Banner, and Jean Sweeney is woking on one about spiritual direction.