Thursday, December 31, 2009

Minutes from 12/14/09 Secretariat Meeting

Minutes from 12/14/09 Secretariat Meeting
Attendees: Mimi Fitzgerald, Lay Director
John Rausch, Team Selection Committee
Freddie Wall, Fourth Day Committee
Marty Smart, Weekend Committee
Melanie Rigney, Communications Committee (note taker)

Absent: Joan Sheppard, Precursillo
Mary Lou McGonigle, School of Leaders
Mike Green, Treasurer
Fr. Tuck Grinnell, Spiritual Director

The meeting at Mimi Fitzgerald’s house in Arlington, VA, began at 6:55 p.m. after prayer and sharing.
• Cursillo Retreat at Missionhurst. (The Secretariat had decided via e-mail following the November meeting that the fee for the January 22-24, 2010, retreat would be $225 for those who registered by December 15 and $240 thereafter.) Our costs will be $400 in stipends ($100 per spiritual director), $300 in room costs (for three SDs since Father Mike lives at Missionhurst); and approximately $50 per person for meals. Five meals will be included: breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday and breakfast and lunch on Sunday. The community will be asked to volunteer for cook staff. The Secretariat decided stipends will not be paid for such events in the future.
• 2010 Summer and Fall Weekends. Marty will see if the new diocesan spirituality center in White Post, VA, is available for the August 5-8, 2010, Women’s Weekend. She also will ask whether the center is available for either October 7-10 or 8-11 (Friday through Monday; Monday is a federal holiday) for the fall Men’s Weekend. We are interested in seeing whether offering a Weekend over a holiday would draw more candidates. Mimi will reach out to recent Weekend team members and babe chicks to get their thoughts.
• 2011 Weekends. We are committed to Missionhurst for the Women’s Weekend in early March 2011 and the Men’s Weekend, tentatively set for April 7-10.
• 2010 Calendar. The following schedule was approved for 2010:
 January 8: SOL at St. John Bosco
 January 9: SOL at Sacred Heart, followed by rector/rectora workshop
 January 20: SOL in Fredericksburg
 January 22-24: Retreat for Cursillistas at Missionhurst
 February 5: SOL at St. John Bosco
 February 13: SOL at St. John the Beloved
 February 17: SOL in Fredericksburg
 February 27: Quiet Day, possibly at St. Louis
 March 5: SOL at St. John Bosco
 March 13: SOL at St. Anthony of Padua
 March 17: SOL in Fredericksburg
 March 18-21: Women’s Weekend at Missionhurst
 April 2: SOL at St. John Bosco
 April 10: SOL at Our Lady of Good Counsel
 April 15-18: Men’s Weekend at Missionhurst
 April 21: SOL in Fredericksburg
 May 2: Diocesan Ultreya, location TBD
 May 7: SOL at St. John Bosco
 May 8: SOL at St. Raymond
 May 19: SOL in Fredericksburg
 June 4: SOL at St. John Bosco
 June 12: SOL at Our Lady Queen of Peace
 June 16: SOL in Fredericksburg
 July 9: SOL at St. John Bosco
 July 10: SOL at Nativity
 July 21: SOL in Fredericksburg
 July 24: Quiet Day, location TBD
 August 5-8: Women’s Weekend, possibly at the Spirituality Center
 August 6: SOL at St. John Bosco
 August 14: SOL, St. John Neumann
 August 18: SOL in Fredericksburg
 September 3: SOL at St. John Bosco
 September 10-11 (tentative): Secretariat Retreat
 September 11: SOL, St. Mary of Sorrows
 September 14: SOL in Fredericksburg
 September 18: Oktoberfest or other fall event
 October 1: SOL at St. John Bosco
 October 7-10 or 8-11: Men’s Weekend, possibly at the Spirituality Center
 October 9: SOL at St. Charles Borromeo
 October 20: SOL in Fredericksburg
 November 5: SOL at St. John Bosco
 November 13: SOL at St. John the Beloved
 November 17: SOL in Fredericksburg
 November 20: Diocesan Ultreya, location TBD
 December 3: SOL at St. John Bosco
 December 11: SOL at Sacred Heart
 December 15: SOL in Fredericksburg
Discussion ensued about whether we are offering the appropriate number and types of events. We will discuss this further in planning the 2011 schedule.
• Next Meeting. The next meeting will be January 11 at Mimi’s house.

The meeting closed at 8:40 p.m. with prayer.