Friday, August 26, 2011

Minutes from the 8/9/11 Secretariat Meeting

Minutes from the 8/9/11 Secretariat Meeting

Attendees:       Mimi Fitzgerald, Lay Director
                        Jean Noon, School of Leaders
                        Duffy/Phil Kiko, Weekend Committee
                        John/Toni Rausch, Team Selection Committee
                        Melanie Rigney, Communications Committee (note taker)
Absent:        Mike Green, Treasurer
                     Joan Sheppard, Precursillo
                    Carol Poplin, Fourth Day Committee
                    Fr. Tuck Grinnell, Spiritual Director

The meeting at Mimi Fitzgerald’s house in Arlington, VA, began at 7:15 p.m. after prayer and sharing.

• Treasurer’s Report. Discussion ensued about possible successors to Mike Green, whose term is nearly up.
• Team Selection. Team selection is complete for the fall Weekends. A copyright question regarding reproduction of manuals was discussed and the Secretariat agreed there was no problem with the distribution limited to team members. The spring 2012 Weekend dates at Missionhurst in Arlington will be March 22-25 for the women and April 19-22 for the men. Discussion ensued regarding potential rectors and rectoras.

• School of Leaders. Jean outlined the schedule for upcoming School of Leader events. New Cursillistas in particular will be encouraged to attend the October 22 session at St. Charles Borromeo in Arlington where the purpose and mission of SOL will be discussed, similar to the spring 2011 session at Queen of Peace.

• Octoberfest. John and Mimi reminded the Secretariat that we all are to encourage our committees to volunteer to help with—and to attend!—this event September 17 at St. John Neumann in Reston.
• Area II Meeting. The next Area II meeting will be October 14-16 in New Jersey. Mimi asked for Secretariat members to prayerfully consider offering to go as she will not be able to attend. Cursillo will pay expenses for one person to represent us there.

• Lay Director Selection Process. Mimi noted the latest Our Banner provided the basics for the process. She would like to have all those called to consider service as our next lay director to provide vision statements to share with the entire community around Thanksgiving. We will then have a Saturday morning session at which the community can come and ask questions of the candidates. The community will gather again in January or February, most likely at Missionhurst, and the Secretariat will meet that evening and select Mimi’s successor. The new lay director will be installed at a Mass in late spring.

• Weekend Committee. The committee is in good shape for the fall Weekends. Cursillo will hire an appropriate party to clean the kitchens after the Weekends. The rector and rectora will determine whether to have Masses at the end of the Weekends.

• Communications. Mel and Lyn McGee from the committee planned to have a kickoff meeting the following day with the designer who will handle the revamped Web site. The committee committed to a hands-on training session and a how-to guide for the Secretariat and its committees’ members when the site goes live, which should be in about six weeks. Arlington Cursillo will pay up to $1,500 with a donor covering remaining costs. Mel neglected to bring hard copies of our database but will do so at the next Secretariat meeting.

The meeting closed at 9:00 p.m. with prayer.