Thursday, July 7, 2011

Minutes from the 6/9/11 Secretariat Meeting

Minutes from the 6/9/11 Secretariat Meeting
Attendees: Mimi Fitzgerald, Lay Director
   Carol Poplin, Fourth Day Committee
   Jean Noon, School of Leaders
   Duffy/Phil Kiko, Weekend Committee
   Melanie Rigney, Communications Committee (note taker)
Absent:    Mike Green, Treasurer
 Joan Sheppard, Precursillo
 John Rausch, Team Selection Committee
 Fr. Tuck Grinnell, Spiritual Director
The meeting at Mimi Fitzgerald’s house in Arlington, VA, began at 7:55 p.m. after prayer and sharing.
• Treasurer’s Report and Pre-Cursillo. There were no reports.
• Team Selection. Duffy will be rectora and Mark LaVerdiere will be the rector for the fall 2011 Weekends and team selection is proceeding. Deacon Dale Avery will be the spiritual director for the men and Pat Durkin lay spiritual director for the women. At the time of the meeting, priests were being contacted to serve on the Weekends.
• School of Leaders. Jean reported that next year our topic will be “Fruit in the Fourth Day.” There will be no July SOL sessions but we will resume in August and September. An orientation session to welcome the new babe chicks is tentatively set for October 22.
• Weekend Committee. The Secretariat offered to buy “Glory and Praise” songbooks for the San Damiano chapel; the songbooks also would be used at Weekend Closings. The committee is finalizing the purchase.
• Communications. Mel circulated the two proposals received and explained why the committee was going to pursue one option. Arlington Cursillo will be asked for $1,500; a community member volunteered to pay additional costs. We still hope to have the project complete in time for the fall Weekends. The committee would retain control of the site after this work is done, and one goal will be to give the ministries more access and control over their areas of the site. Discussion ensued on Secretariat members’ wish lists. Databases also were discussed. Lyn McGee maintains the Arlington Cursillo database. Mel will get a copy of the database and bring it to the Secretariat retreat for review. Going forward, each Weekend’s angel will provide Lyn with the final updated contact information for babe chicks, team members, and spiritual directors after the Weekend is completed.
• Fourth Day Committee. Holy Family will host a diocesan Ultreya, preferably on November 5 or 19. Discussion ensued about information nights, and ways to let recent babe chicks know about other Cursillistas in their parishes.
• Other. The spring 2012 Women’s Weekend will be March 22-25 and the Men’s Weekend will be April 19-22. Both will be at Missionhurst.
The meeting closed at 9:15 p.m. with prayer.