Sunday, February 27, 2011

Minutes from the 1/11/11 Secretariat Meeting

Mimi Fitzgerald, Lay Director
Carol Poplin, Fourth Day Committee
Jean Noon, School of Leaders 
Joan Sheppard, Precursillo
Colleen/Phil Kiko, Weekend Committee
Melanie Rigney, Communications Committee (note taker)
Mike Green, Treasurer
John Rausch, Team Selection Committee
Fr. Tuck Grinnell, Spiritual Director 
The meeting at Mimi Fitzgerald’s house in Arlington, VA, began at 7:20 p.m. after prayer and sharing. 

Treasurer’s Report. Mimi noted that the insurance has been paid.
Pre-Cursillo. Joan reported we already have two candidates for the spring 2011 Women’s Weekend March 17-20 at Missionhurst.
Team Selection. Mimi reported a member of the spring women’s team withdrew and another Cursillista has stepped forward. Father Clem is the spiritual director for the spring 2011 Men’s Weekend April 7-10 at Missionhurst.
School of Leaders. Jean asked for thoughts about what to discuss and study beginning in June. Jean is planning a May potluck that would provide the babe chicks from the most recent Weekends with an opportunity to meet with members of the Secretariat and some spiritual directors. Discussion ensued about dates, but no date was selected. Jean also asked about vehicles to share SOL dates and topics with our community. It was suggested that in addition to the dates on our Web site calendar that Jean write an article for the next issue of Our Banner, which in addition to going to all Arlington diocese Cursillistas will be included in the Fourth Day packets for the spring Weekends. Jean also will be getting in touch with table leaders from recent Weekends to encourage them to share information about upcoming SOLs. Discussion ensued about the name of School of Leaders going forward.
Weekend Committee. Duffy shared that the spring Women’s Weekend closing will be at the Church of the Nativity. Discussion ensued regarding transportation, clean-up and hymnals.
Communications. Mel said that the committee met January 22 and developed a requirements document regarding a redesign of We hope to have the request for proposal out to possible bidders in March, with an eye toward having the project complete in time for the fall Weekends. The committee would retain control of the site after this work is done, and one goal will be to give the ministries more access and control over their areas of the site. 
Fourth Day Committee. There was discussion about a Secretariat overnight retreat July 8-9 at Mount Tabor. Carol has made initial contact. Items discussed included spiritual directors, priests, and pricing. Carol will meet with Joan Brown regarding weekend Ultreyas and will look into which Cursillistas are members of Holy Family in Dale City.
Other. There was discussion of possible rectors and rectoras for the fall Women’s Weekend September 22-25 and the Men’s Weekend October 6-9.

The meeting closed at 8:35 p.m. with prayer.