Sunday, January 23, 2011

Minutes from the 1/11/11 Secretariat Meeting

   Mimi Fitzgerald, Lay Director
   Carol Poplin, Fourth Day Committee
   Jean Noon, School of Leaders
   Melanie Rigney, Communications Committee (note taker)

   Mike Green, Treasurer
   Joan Sheppard, Precursillo
   Colleen/Phil Kiko, Weekend Committee
   John Rausch, Team Selection Committee
   Fr. Tuck Grinnell, Spiritual Director

The meeting at Mimi Fitzgerald’s house in Arlington, VA, began at 7:20 p.m. after prayer and sharing. Mimi welcomed Carol Poplin as the new Fourth Day Committee chair and Jean Noon, who with her husband Tom is chairing School of Leaders.

Pre-Cursillo. Mimi reported that Kristy Grossman will handle applications for the spring 2011 Women’s Weekend March 17-20 at Missionhurst since Joan Sheppard is on team. We are in need of a spiritual director for the spring 2011 Men’s Weekend April 7-10 at Missionhurst so Mimi will be talking with some priests. Both teams are in formation.
Fourth Day Committee. There was discussion about Cursillo information nights and whether encouraging potential candidates to attend a parish Ultreya or other situation in which they could directly experience the love and joy of our community might be preferable. Carol will check in with the Silvas regarding a contact for/status of the Ultreya at St. Mary of Sorrows.
School of Leaders. Jean asked about Sunday night potlucks for School of Leaders and whether it might encourage attendance. The consensus was that it might be good to try that. Jean will be speaking with the teams now in formation about including School of Leaders in three talks in particular—Leaders, Christian Life, and Total Security. She also asked about dropping the “Leaders” from programs and perhaps calling them “Cursillo Service School.” Positive discussion ensued and Jean was encouraged to write an article about this for an upcoming issue of Our Banner. Jean hopes to formalize post-Weekend communications regarding SOL announcements (including the next session’s location and topic). She will ask the rectors and rectoras to provide the e-mail addresses of the designated table leaders who commit to communicating post-Weekend with babe chicks so that the table leaders can share information about SOL with those men and women on an ongoing basis.
Communications. Mel said that the committee will meet January 22 to develop a requirements document regarding a redesign of The committee would retain control of the site after this work is done, and one goal will be to give the ministries more access and control over their areas of the site. Mel will report back at the February Secretariat meeting.
Other. There was discussion of future meeting dates and a possible Secretariat overnight retreat this summer. Discussion also was held about possible rectors and rectoras for the fall 2011 Weekends and beyond.

The meeting closed at 8:30 p.m. with prayer.